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Recommended Setting for full-body Mat

< 1 min read

For typical usage, we recommend intensity 25 and 8 minutes per session, 2-3 sessions per day with at least 6 hours apart. In general there is no need to increase your intensity to more than 100 unless you have large body build and mass (i.e. > 100kg).

Drinks a glass of water 5-10 minutes before the session and immediately after the session for best effect, and to reduce any possible side effect like headache, dizziness, etc.

Wolfi’s Laws for Full Body Mat recommends

Omnium1 Full Body Mat
  • Morning / Noon / Evening : Intensity 25, 8 Minutes
  • Night: Intensity 10, 8 Minutes
  • Minimum twice a day

Refer to Starter Guide for more detailed information

For a specific ailment, refer to iGuide recommendation. Contact us if you need to find out settings for a specific ailment as recommended by iGuide.

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