Omnium1 2.0 Features

Latest Update 20-Jan-2019 with the actual production unit


iMRS One 2.0, or Omnium1 2.0 is the first major upgrade since its initial release in 2014 with a major redesign of key hardware components and operating platform. The key focus of this upgrade is to make Omnium1 more reliable and practical for home use in the various situation. Omnium1 2.0 is all about MAKING OMNIUM1 BETTER! Following is a detailed review of the latest iMRS system from Swiss Bionic Solutions


New Exciting Features:

  • User removable battery compartment. This is a very significant improvement as unlike mobile phone or tablets; the Omnium1 system is expected to last for more than three years, upward to even a years or more with proper care and maintenance. With a removable and exchangeable battery, this will help to prolonged the usability period. The other benefit of removable battery feature is it addresses the shipping restriction by many couriers and shipping agencies, as many of them no longer ship electronic components with high-powered lithium batteries. Being able to separate the battery from the tablet easily, now we can have more options for shipping.
  • New Tablet housing shape (a P shape) that offers better handling and can also serve as a tablet angled stand for better visibility. This is good for on flat surface (i.e. desktop) display. Also, this new design does make the tablet looks more like a professional control unit instead of normal off-the-mill tablets.

  • Improved 20-pin flat cable with supporting sleeve-edge. The 20-pin flat cable despite its sturdiness in design, it is still one component that is subjected to many twists and pull during usage. The new 20-pin cable has a strengthen sleeve to minimize the pressure at the connecting edge.

  • New Power Adapter with a more sturdy connection and slightly bigger internal diameter for better connection. The power adapter jack connectivity issue is another one common problem faced with the 1st generation Omnium1, and this is definitely a timely improvement.

  • New material for applicators (OmniMat, OmniPad and OmniSpot). While the new applicators were made available since late-2018 (read post here), this is made official as part of new Omnium1 2.0 package.
  • Casing Material for the new D/A converter is housed with additional aluminium cuff, which serves as a perfect layer for heat absorption and dissipation. What this means is it will minimizing overheating of D/A converter that requires a cool-down period between intensive sessions.

  • The new battery (18650 lithium batteries) is the similar grade as those used in Tesla electric cars. Lithium batteries and technology is always the Achilles heel of modern portable technologies, and the company has spent a considerable amount of resources and researches in bettering the battery technology for the Omnium1 system.
  • The system now runs on Android 8.1 Oreo operating platform, up from the earlier Android 4.4.4 KitKat version. This is a significant jump, but may not means a lot if your primary usage is the Omnium1 Apps. Regardless this is still an important update as there are many new Android applications no longer support version 4 and below.
  • Less is better. Omnium1 2.0 removes Android Play Store to prevent users from downloading and installing unnecessary applications. This is a smart move as we would prefer the user to keep the tablet purely for the use of iMRS applications. Android platform is handy for Over-the-Air (OTA) upgrades. Of course savvy users are still able to manually install the downloaded application via .apk installation – however, we don’t see any value in doing so.






New Omnium1 Applicators 2018

The latest Omnium1’s applicators are now covered with the bio-compatible PolyVinyl Chloride (PVC) material that is used in the flagship iMRS system, as compared to the PU leather used in the earlier version. The material is much more durable in all climate conditions, especially in the hot and humid climates. The material also shares the medical certificate used in iMRS, though Omnium1 is not a certified medical system. This is to ensure the Vinyl material is bio-compatible and bio-tested to the required medical requirements.

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